OKAY SO UH i haven't really touched the game in a long ass time mostly because i'm busy doing my own thing like school, mental health and shit so it's just been?? there?? BUT i've been planning a revamp!! idk if i've mentioned it in the other post i made basically like a month ago, but yeah!! i plan to kinda just redesign the whole thing because over time i haven't liked how it looked and all that--  originally it was rushed because i wanted to get it out of the way,,this was literally my first time making a game like...ever, so Find Your Knife! has this special place in my heart :-) but over time i started adding stuff and along that, like i said, i started not liking how it looked and all that so that's why i plan on making a "revamp". it isn't gonna be a HUGE one per se, but i'll change a few major things like the dialogue, color palettes, rooms, shit like that. i don't know WHEN i'm going to do the revamp though because i plan on making other stuff and i have this idea for another game i'm gonna make in Bitsy Color (and i have ideas for other things, too) so it might come a bit late?? the game may introduce some new characters too!!

OH AND along that, i plan on redesigning the game page too :-D i originally made it to match the game's main color palette but it ended up looking terrible in my eyes so it doesn't sit right with me and uh...yeah. idk if i'll add any extras too, like more secrets in the game and overall adding more stuff to the game page so it doesn't look "bad" or...bland. YEAH WHATEVER. ALSO!!! i edited my website thing but i forgot to mention anything about it cuz i'm fucking stupid but here's the website link lol.

that's all!!

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